
北菇滑鸡煲仔饭配Georges Roumier Bonnes Mares
煲仔饭传遍大江南北的粤菜,风味多达百余种,常见的如腊味、豉汁排骨、北菇滑鸡。烹饪做法简单,耗时略长,将淘洗好的大米放入瓦罐中,蒸至七成熟后加入调味的肉类等配料,再转用文火慢慢煲熟。北菇滑鸡选取个头大的冬菇切块,配合鲜嫩的鸡胸肉,非常入味,煲仔附近的米饭往往会烧成锅巴,与糯香的米饭形成对比鲜明的口感。勃艮第传奇酒庄George Roumier酿造的特级田Bonnes Mares,如同天鹅绒手套中的铁拳,单宁丝滑柔顺却强劲有力,强大而有气场的红色水果和花香,让人忘之不能,与滑嫩的鸡肉和冬菇搭配最棒。乙未秋日,张翛翰。

Clay Pot Rice with Chicken and Shiitake Mushrooms and Georges Roumier Bonnes Mares
Clay pot rice is a widely spread Cantonese dish all over the country. Clay pot rice comes with various styles, with steamed cured meat, spare ribs in black bean sauce or chicken with shiitake mushrooms become the most popular combinations. The cooking process is simple but time-consuming. Thoroughly washed rice is placed in a clay pot and steamed. Before the rice is fully cooked, seasoned meat or other garnish are then put on top and slowly cooked over low heat till done. Large-sized shiitake mushrooms are sliced to accompany fresh chicken breast, and each ingredient imbibes the savour of the others. A crispy rice crust often forms at the bottom of the pot, providing a contrasting texture with the soft and fluffy rice in the middle. Grand Cru Bonnes Mares of the legendary Burgundy Domaine George Roumier acts like an iron fist beneath a pair of velvet gloves– its tannins are silky and delicate with a packed outstanding power. A fresh mix of red berries and floral scents makes this wine unforgettable. It pairs wonderfully with the succulent chicken and the intense taste of the mushrooms. Autumn 2015. Austin Zhang