
炸蛎黄配Jacques Selosse Initiale
炸蛎黄是鲁菜胶东菜系的名菜,蛎黄就是牡蛎的肉质部分。即使是技术纯熟的大师傅,重视炸的火候,也很难在胶东以外吃到同样的口感。这道菜无非就是新鲜,得益于靠海的优势,胶东地区可以吃上当天清晨捕捞的海蛎子,因此格外新鲜。相传炸蛎黄起源于烟台芝罘地区,现今以养马岛和北寨渔村做出来的最为精良。因“蛎子”谐音“利子”,为了讨个好彩头,炸蛎黄是胶东地区婚宴必备菜肴之一。沾上花椒盐的海蛎子,口感细嫩,又带着大海的气息,搭配Jacques Selosse的Initiale很是不错。这款白中白香槟使用100%的特级田霞多丽酿造,极富深度,不但有霞多丽典型的热带水果特征,还一层一层的散发出矿物质、干果、芝麻的香气。乙未秋日,张翛翰。

Deep-fried Oysters and Jacques Selosse Initiale
Deep-fried oysters made by the inner flesh of oysters, are a celebrated Jiaodong style dish in Shandong cuisine. Even the most experienced chefs with great deep-frying skills can rarely make this dish as delicious as those who do in the Jiaodong area, since it depends totally on the freshness of the ingredients. Jiaodong as a coastal region wherr freshly fished oysters can be easily found and savoured in the morning. Legend has it that deep-fried oysters are originated from Zhifu district of Yantai. Nowadays, oysters made in Yangma Island or Beizhai fishing village are the most commended. Since the Chinese word for oyster (lizi) is homophonic with the word “profit”, the dish is considered as auspicious and is often featured in wedding banquets and celebrations in the Jiaodong region. Coated with a thin layer of Sichuan pepper and salt, the fried oysters are succulent and irresistible with a fresh taste of the ocean. They are wonderfully paired with Jacques Selosse’s Initiale. This Blanc de Blanc champagne is made with 100% Grand Cru chardonnay and is rich with layers of complexity and nuances. Notice that the tropical fruit scent is typical in chardonnay, the wine also brings waves of mineral, hazelnuts and sesame scents. Autumn 2015. Austin Zhang