
荷叶鸡配Armand Rousseau Chambertin
苏菜名肴荷叶鸡菜如其名,让人联想起江南水乡“接天莲叶无穷碧”的婉约美景。用荷叶烹饪是苏浙水乡的特色做法,荷叶消暑,用之烹饪往往会带来一股特有的清香而令人心旷神怡。今日酒店为了四季供应,往往在其他季节使用干荷叶替代,但干荷叶与夏季新鲜荷叶尺寸失之毫厘,口味差之千里,因此这道荷叶鸡乃是一道时令菜。做好的荷叶鸡带有荷叶的清香,同时鸡肉鲜嫩可口,极为滋补。苏菜最好搭配勃艮第的葡萄酒,夜丘名庄Armand Rousseau所出产的特级田葡萄酒香贝田,是Gevrey Chambertin村子九片特级田佳酿中的翘楚,也是勃艮第最棒的黑比诺葡萄酒之一。细腻的单宁与鲜嫩可口的鸡肉,充沛的果香与荷叶特有的清香,莫不完美的搭配在一起。乙未秋日,张翛翰。

Steamed Chicken in Lotus Leaf and Armand Rousseau Chambertin
The name of the famous Jiangsu dish ‘Steamed chicken in lotus leaf’ reminds one of the beautiful scenery of the Suzhou region, where lotus-lined lakes and rivers create a misty scene of serene green and blue. It is a characteristic in Jiangsu cuisine to make use of fresh lotus leaves in cooking. Known for their heat-relieving qualities, lotus leaves impart a refreshing aroma to dishes when used in cuisine. Nowadays, restaurants replace fresh lotus leaves with dried ones in order to offer lotus leaf dishes all year round, but the dry ones are no match for the scent and taste with their fresh counterparts in summer. In this sense, steamed chicken in lotus leaf is a seasonal dish. The chicken wrapped inside is infused with the delicate fragrance of the leaves. Jiangsu cuisine is best paired with Burgundy wine. The Grand Cru, Chambertin, produced by the renowned Armand Rousseau from Côte de Nuits is the backbone of the nine Grand Crus of the Gevrey Chambertin village, and one of the best Burgundy pinot noir wines out there. The delicate tannins are perfectly paired with the luscious chicken, while the fruity notes serenade the scent of the lotus leaf. Autumn 2015. Austin Zhang