
木须肉配de Vogue Musigny
木须肉是一道家常菜,发源于鲁菜,传遍大江南北,也常被写作苜蓿肉,但其实原名木樨肉,记载于清梁恭辰的《北东园笔录》:“北方店中以鸡子炒肉,名木樨肉,盖取其有碎黄色也”。樨是一种开白色或黄色小花的灌木,代指鸡蛋。根据记录,木须肉最早出现于孔府菜的菜单上,最初的原料是猪肉、鸡蛋、木耳和玉兰片(笋片),传入北京地区后因为当地缺乏竹笋,因此往往用胡萝卜、黄瓜代之,这也造成了今日的木须肉名称写法多样、原料各异的局面,但一定都会使用猪肉、木耳和鸡蛋来烹制。勃艮第传统贵族名庄de Vogue,酿制最顶级的木樨尼特级田葡萄酒,细腻的单宁很好的搭配和可口的肉片、顺滑的木耳和鲜嫩的鸡蛋,是非常好的搭配。乙未秋日,张翛翰。

Sautéed Sliced Pork, Eggs and Black Fungus (Moo shu pork) and de Vogüé Musigny
Sautéed sliced pork, eggs and black fungus (Moo shu prok) is a typical homemade dish. Originated from Shandong, variations are seen all over China and are interpreted as different names. Its initial form was depicted by Qing Dynasty writer, Liang Gongchen, in his ‘Notes from the Northeast Garden’ (Beidong Yuan Bilu): “Northern restaurants stir-fry eggs with pork, calling it mu xi rou, for its yellow colour.” Noted by Liang, the ‘xi’ refers to bushes with white and yellow flowers, and is an allusion to egg pieces. The earliest form of the dish in record was included in the menu of a Confucian banquet. Original ingredients included pork, eggs, black mushrooms and slices of bamboo shoots. When the dish became popular later in Beijing, carrot and cucumber slices are used to replace bamboo shoots as they are scarce in the city. All these contribute to the development of the myriad versions of this famous dish, however the key ingredients of pork, black mushrooms and eggs remain present in all interpretations. The distinguished Domaine Comte de Vogüé makes the finest Grand Cru Musigny. Classy and tannic, the Musigny pairs greatly with the flavourful taste of the meat, the refreshing texture of the mushrooms and the softness of the eggs. Autumn 2015. Austin Zhang