
麻辣小龙虾配Krug Clos du Mesnil
麻辣小龙虾是风靡全国的消夏首选,麻辣鲜香,色泽红亮极具卖相,入口滑嫩香辣。湖南电视台门口的麻辣小龙虾(当地都叫口味虾)大概口味是最正宗的,也是大牌明星们录制完节目后的首选美食。北京通宵营业的簋街更是爱好者们的狂欢圣地, 整条街从东往西满满的全都是餐厅,盛夏一晚的消耗量恐怕要以吨计。麻辣口的菜肴一般不是很好搭配葡萄酒,但是带泡的香槟却是一个非常不错的选择,二氧化碳的针刺感可以很好的与麻辣带来刺痛感搭配在一起。Krug酿造的Clos du Mesnil,采用来自Le Mesnil sur-Oger特级田的霞多丽酿造的白中白香槟,凌冽的酸度与麻辣口味配合很好,而焦糖、饼干、矿物质等丰富而有层次的香气,也很好的搭配了小龙虾细腻的肉质。张翛翰,乙末秋初。

Spicy Crayfish and Krug Clos du Mesnil
Spicy Crayfish is the most popular summer dish in China, loved for its unique piquant flavour, eye-catching fiery red appearance, silken flesh and the tingly sensation it leaves on the tongue. Spicy Crayfish stall nearby the main entrance of Hunan Television Headquarters probably serves the most authentic version of the dish, and is much visited by stars and celebrities after their filming at television station. The overnight street market on Gui Street, Beijing, is another mecca for Spicy Crayfish lovers. All over the market, there are restaurants serving the dish and tonnes of crayfish are sold on each summer night. While spicy dishes are generally difficult to pair with wine, they are excellent with champagne. The fine carbonated bubbles of champagne offer a fascinating match to the tingling, numbing sensation on the palate brought by the hot dish. Krug Clos de Mesnil Blanc de Blanc Brut Champagne is created with Grand Cru Chardonnay from Le Mesnil-sur-Oger. The vibrant, well-honed acidity can set off spicy flavours. Offering lots of minerality, its subtle and layered notes of caramel and biscuits support perfectly the delicate savour of crayfish. Autumn 2015. Austin Zhang.